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Monday, October 20, 2014

Surprise - we moved :)

Collage_20141020113606550_20141020113622745.... yup, we moved. :) I know this probably comes as a surprise to a lot of people since I haven't talked about this at all on here before now. It's been in the works for a while now though but hadn't been finalized so we didn't want to say anything until it was all done. 

The main reason for selling and moving was the condition of our house. It just wasn't in the best shape and needed a lot of work. It's been getting close to impossible to keep up with everything. So we either would have had to pour a lot of money into it and renovate from the ground up or sell. So we decided to take an offer we got and sell.

For right now we are happy renting and happy to let someone else worry about maintaining things, general upkeep, snow plowing, yard work and all that. We might buy again eventually. Just have to see what we want to do.  

Our apartment is still in Danbury, only about 10 minutes from where our house was. It's in a neat Victorian building that has been split into three units. Our unit is on the second floor (only complaint - moving all of our furniture and things in there was a huge pain) with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room and a big kitchen. We also have a large unfinished attic for storage which is nice. 

So I apologize for my absence but been quite busy with packing everything up, renting a truck and getting everything moved. Luckily we had some help taking things apart and two of our friends helped us move all the bigger items so that helped a lot. I did have to work Saturday but spent the late afternoon/evening and all of Sunday unpacking most of our essentials. Still have a lot of stuff left to unpack but at least things are starting to come together.

I will post more pictures of our new place once not everything is in boxes anymore. Right now it would look quite chaotic. If you want to see a picture of the outside of the house click hereI love those type of houses. They look so New England to me. I remember adoring them when I first visited this area in 2000 when seeing Mike for the first time. I had no idea I would actually be living in one fourteen years later. :) 

Mail Update: Letters went out last week Tuesday to: Lotte/Denmark, Celia/MA, Charles/TN and Laura/Spain. Owe replies to: Charles/TN. 

Posted by Hanna at 04:31 PM in Home Improvement | Permalink


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